how we work

Everybody has a unique way of working and the way things are done at is no exception. We pride ourselves on making games that have lasting appeal, without hard-coded end points but games that let the players explore and find their own way to win.


Games and services are generally built using a combination of Actionscript 2.0 or 3.0 and their supporting services are built around PHP and MySQL.

There are also a number of great open source applications that drive development, most of which I couldn't work without:

Flex SDK

Providing the mxmlc command line AS3.0 compiler, the foundation of modern AS3.0 Flash development. This is provided free by Adobe under an Open Source license and is a fantastic asset for the Open Source development community.


A very slick flash development IDE for windows. This is built around a number of free ActionScript compilers, such as MTASC, Flex and haXe. The IDE has many great features such as code hints, autocompletion from intrinsic and user created classes, SWFMill integrations, debugging and SWC integration to name just a few of the hundreds of features.


One of the finest text editors available for Mac is also one of the better free AS3.0 development environments. Using the provided bundles, TextMate can be integrated with the Flex SDK to provide a slick Flash development environment. Whilst not as feature complete as FlashDevelop it is the next best thing for the developer on a budget.

Non-free tools

There are a few paid software packages that we have to use as a matter of necessity. Whilst there are a plethora of great Open Source tools available, there are some tools that are just too invaluable.

  • SecureSWF
  • Adobe Fireworks CS3
  • Adobe Flash CS3